
SafeChargeBack - Mastercard MCM

Following the integration with Visa’s VROL last year, we are currently in the process of upgrading our SafeChargeBack (SCB) module to integrate with the MasterCom Claims Manager (MCM) of MasterCard. This will enable our customers to seamlessly connect with MasterCard for their dispute-resolution process, allowing for easier, more efficient, and better handling of dispute cases.

SCB, our Dispute Resolution Management module, makes use of powerful features including customisable workflows to cater for our client’s unique needs, integration with multiple bank channels such as the Bank’s Branch Network, ATM’s, Internet Banking etc., and provides tools for extensive reporting and analytics.

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P.O. BOX 20020, CY-1600 
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    (+357) 22-780888
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    (+357) 22-780558
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